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Admin Application [PENDING]

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Admin Application [PENDING] Empty Admin Application [PENDING]

Post  Jyang_lee Tue Nov 30, 2010 12:08 pm

Real firstname: Jiayang
Nickname(s): Ah yang
Real age: 15
Servers played: <Servername(s)>Zombie Attack 2, Cops and Robber RPG, Outbreakrp and MubStuntworld(Im admin in that server for a long time)
Apperliction for server: <Servername>MubStuntworld,Zombie Attack 2
Expirience ingame:Kinda Not bad
Played with an admin? if yes who:No Never seen one but hackers lots thats why im here
Anything else:I been an admin and im sure when to use the authorothy, know what im doing as im a soldier in my country holding a Staff Sergeant.


Posts : 3
Join date : 2010-11-30

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