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Garu's new suggestions for Zombie Server

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Garu's new suggestions for Zombie Server Empty Garu's new suggestions for Zombie Server

Post  Garuuu Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:02 pm

New Suggestions!

1.- as i said teh first time i played here, iam still saying humans need less stamina.
2.-zombies should be more powerful and gain more score than humans at killing
3.- as my opinion there are too many cars., thats overpowered for humans.
5.-less weapons, less ammo, also delete weaponpacks and just let us buy weapons individual each weapon...
4.-About the /refuel command i think it should be with high-score players.
6.- About the Gamemode it should be Fasty and quickly, i think the villaged should be the unique map, it is to big for zombies run to area 51,. and we should play with rounds with a determinated time like 5 min..Depending od team score to win..
7.- also to balance teams i think its necessary: Player who get Infect into zombie cant be setted to human team , untill a new round starts...

8.-Infect Buttom: i mean set a buttom, if you infect a survivor it will kill him slowly...this is a good idea for high campers..

9.- Classes (of /buyclasses) i think is not needed..
10.- I think wath are houses for /enter ?., i thnik there should be a few health packs and ammo/weapons...(that's why i said we need less ammo and weapons)


Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-11-01

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Garu's new suggestions for Zombie Server Empty Re: Garu's new suggestions for Zombie Server

Post  Corne Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:13 pm

Garuuu wrote:
New Suggestions!

1.- as i said teh first time i played here, iam still saying humans need less stamina.
2.-zombies should be more powerful and gain more score than humans at killing
3.- as my opinion there are too many cars., thats overpowered for humans.
5.-less weapons, less ammo, also delete weaponpacks and just let us buy weapons individual each weapon...
4.-About the /refuel command i think it should be with high-score players.
6.- About the Gamemode it should be Fasty and quickly, i think the villaged should be the unique map, it is to big for zombies run to area 51,. and we should play with rounds with a determinated time like 5 min..Depending od team score to win..
7.- also to balance teams i think its necessary: Player who get Infect into zombie cant be setted to human team , untill a new round starts...

8.-Infect Buttom: i mean set a buttom, if you infect a survivor it will kill him slowly...this is a good idea for high campers..

9.- Classes (of /buyclasses) i think is not needed..
10.- I think wath are houses for /enter ?., i thnik there should be a few health packs and ammo/weapons...(that's why i said we need less ammo and weapons)


1. Nah, I know. Im busy with it.
2. No, zombies are strong enough now.
3. Since i added the Broken Vehicle system it is not really a big problem.
5. I dont have a problem with the current system.
4. No, everyone needs to be able to use it.
6. Im adding soon a spawn between a51 and Fort Carson.
7. Im alreadly busy with autoforce. And i will make the infectidea too.
8. Yep, i agree.
9. Nah, i dont see whats the problem. I mean everyone likes the army xD
10. I was thinking that people could be able to use /search in houses.

Posts : 66
Join date : 2010-10-16
Age : 26

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Garu's new suggestions for Zombie Server Empty mmm

Post  Garuuu Thu Jun 09, 2011 11:19 pm

--> men, too much weps for teh humans, i mean 40 ammo for each wep its enough, think about it humans are too funy,. who will choose zombie-?

-----> Same kill humans are Difficult , zombie should get more score..

---> about the new spawnpoint, i know ,. Ok wath happen if there are only 2 players, the zombie its on Area51 and the human in the village?, it's the same thing, the thing here is not spawnpoints, its we have a very low population in the server, we cant play in a big map..
---> i know you said you dont have a problem with weapon system and that, but try to be a zombie atlast one round and you will see that's difficult. Crying or Very sad

Posts : 38
Join date : 2010-11-01

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