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8 Juny - No worries, ZA and Lost Fierro news

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8 Juny - No worries, ZA and Lost Fierro news Empty 8 Juny - No worries, ZA and Lost Fierro news

Post  Vandooz Thu Jun 09, 2011 7:26 pm

Hey fellow reader,
we're to annoucce Zombie Attack 3 is back online (click to join). In the meantime svenny and i am busy with Lost Fierro.

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Why LF takes that long:
- We are busy with fixing bugs and glitches (so far 2 broken systems which were currently busy on and 1 little bug which meant no harm for a time, will be fixed soon enough before it will be online)
- We are busy with making it advanced.
- We have our personal life.

Posts : 69
Join date : 2010-10-14
Age : 31
Location : The netherlands

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