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[FS] Ultimate Nitrous (With Press key function!) by Svenny555!

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[FS] Ultimate Nitrous (With Press key function!) by Svenny555! Empty [FS] Ultimate Nitrous (With Press key function!) by Svenny555!

Post  Svenny555 Wed Dec 08, 2010 1:38 pm

Hi all,

I made a new and improved nitrous filterscript.
It checks if you are not in a wrong vehicle (if you are you can't install nitrous!).
-> Boat, bike or monster

To add nos to your vehicle you have 2 options: - type /nos or you can press the fire(KEY_FIRE) key.

Also a /noshelp command is included so you can see how you can add nos to your car.
I used ZCMD for the commands and the is included in the package.

Download uNos v1.5 here!

And also some pictures !

\\\\///// The /noshelp Command \\\\////
[FS] Ultimate Nitrous (With Press key function!) by Svenny555! Samp003fa

\\\\//// Ken block's impreza \\\\////
[FS] Ultimate Nitrous (With Press key function!) by Svenny555! Samp011kh

\\\\//// Ken block's impreza again \\\\////
[FS] Ultimate Nitrous (With Press key function!) by Svenny555! Samp012wva


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Join date : 2010-10-14

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