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28 Nov - 0.3c Release Canidate Released!

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28 Nov - 0.3c Release Canidate Released! Empty 28 Nov - 0.3c Release Canidate Released!

Post  Vandooz Sun Nov 28, 2010 6:33 pm

Kalcor on SA-MP Forums:
We are releasing a scripting (player limited) version of SA-MP 0.3c early, so that server owners and scripters can start updating their scripts and making any changes needed for the next SA-MP version. A full release of 0.3c is not expected for at least a few more weeks.

SA-MP 0.3c is mainly a feature update. Bugs will be fixed throughout the RC, so they can be reported. Higher priority will be given to bugs in any of the new features.

Check the full topic here!

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Age : 31
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